WHY “PK” IS BLAMED?????????

Amir’s PK has always faced controversies from its very first poster. The poster attracted everyone attention just because of the nude photo of Mr. Amir Khan. But after watching the film, it was true that many religious workers are going to blame it. But the question is “WHY?”
its very true that the film has pointed many questions on religion and religious believes or I should say religious superstitions. Its very true that the questions asked in the film can put questions on our Human Gods or I should say God made by us. All the questions asked is not related to any single community but is for every religion. But some are using it as politics and some are in fear that audience can protest on these human made Gods which in result can close their business.
Everything is totally correct in the film. Whoever is protesting is only to create nuisance in the society or in fear that people will start asking questions. There is no meaning of protest.
People should know that its just a film. If you are believing then follow it otherwise many movies like this came and became past. And still there is no change. If this film is changing your mind in positive way then good otherwise there is no negativity in the film for excluding those who earn their lives from this business.

WHAT WAS THE FAULT OF KIDS???????????????????

Not only Pakistan, but countries from all over the world are in shock state, whatever happened in +Peshawar , +Pakistan. But the only questions arises is “What was the fault of those kids and their families???????”  They are paying for what????
Don’t you all think that what kind of people were they who killed hundreds of children and thousand more from inner soul. According to them they are fighting for humanity, following path of “ALLAH”.
This is just inhumane. Those who talk about all this, I am sure they have never witnessed their holy book “KURAAN”. Because there is no religion who teaches us this inhumanity.
Now, its over to Pakistan that whether they are still able to realise the truth and reality which they are serving or still some lives will be sacrificed. The bail news and re-arresting of 26/11 attacker’s head  shows that Pakistan is only doing things under pressure of other countries. Peshawar’s School Attack is bad news for everyone. The need is to act on this incident so that every country whether India or Pakistan could get relief from this. Immediate decisions and completion of pending hearings on terrorists should be done so that they could learn from this.Everyone are fillled with tears because of this news. Every tear is demanding for Justice and justice is only in hands of Pakistan. Because if children are not safe in schools then I don’t think there is any other place left for us to live freely and without any fear. Need to ask yourself that how much we all are responsible for this. These candles and marches show your concern but is of no use. Because there is a strict need to make ourselves so much positive, clear, and strong so that situation could not reach near these incidents.
I am just shocked if common man and public are aware then no single terrorist would ever be able to do so. Not only political support but commmon public’s support is also needed to bring all these activities under control. There is an urgent need to make your innersoul awake and try to end all this so that there can be no question like:

Why were they killed?
What was their fault?
Why humanity has to witness such cruelty?
I am sure that when those terrorists were entering in the school, was there no public who saw them. No witness was there, no policemen. Terrorists are less but we all are more responsible for this.
We all know that we all will forget all this with time but what about those families who were also killed by all of us in this incident. Its time to think and take actions so that it cannot happen ever again in any country. We all fight against Terrorism not against any country, but inspite of that still any country is not awaken then its shame for them and against inhumanity

Law- Path to Justice

“Law is one of the paths to reach to justice, it must be so smooth so that one can easily go through it. It must be protected and guarded so that one can dare easily to go through it to reach to justice”.
Law Lessons by us.

Right Judgement Between Truth and Personal Relations

Law and order has always shown us the right path to follow for the betterment of society and the natural life. Everytime new and important decisions for the sake of the society has proved its value for the society. The important part and role is played by our respective “JUDGES”. They have to take right and accurate decisions for those situations which they have never seen or have never faced. At that position, their current state and presence of mind help them to understand the logical and emotional perspectives of the cases.
But not everytime judgement is easier for everyone. Judgement always face many levels. First level where parents play the role for judgement. At that time correct and situational judgement for their children can make their family’s and children’s live better.



According to the orders of TRAI, mobile companies are not allowed to take more than 3 black days. This black day refers to the days in which mobile users have to pay for every message in spite of having message card. Mobile companies are also ordered to take money only from those users who use facility of message card for sending messages not from those who use normal tariff for talking and sending messages both. But companies do not follow these rules. Almost all companies take charges from every user at the same rate whether they are using message card or not. And even they take more than three black days just for their income.
Very few people know about this that if they do such things then they can be charged. This charge starts up from 10000 and ends up to more than 1 lakhs. But mobile companies do not care about this.
Most of the users are troubled due to unwanted calls. These calls may be from any mobile company or insurance or any other. They disturb people whenever they want. They don’t even care about the time. They call people anytime and people are forced to pick that call. This is because they continuously call the user until he picks that. And when anyone tries to complain about that then their complaints are not heard.
There was an incident which happened with a minister when he was sitting in a meeting in Lok Sabha. A call came and as he picked that call the speaker behind that call was giving information on unwanted topic. He got very angry and even called customer care for the complaining against it. They took action against it. It is just not one case; there are many cases which happen with most of us. But everyone can’t be like that minister that from only one call action will be taken. Many people are disturbed with it and are helpless. TRAI has given an option of DND but with it only calls from mobile companies get stopped. Other calls like for giving insurance and calls on unwanted topics still comes. It is a strict order from TRAI that such calls should be stopped. But mobile companies do not care of it. They just think about their income. If it comes on fine charges then these charges are so low that it can be easily paid by them.
This all can be stopped. TRAI should take strict action that if any company ever tries to promote its scheme to the users then it should think 100 times before promoting. I know in this mobile era, it is hard to do that because 85crores people only from India are using mobile services. It is hard to stop but not impossible.

Bitter Truth Behind Reality

Whatever is the reality….acceptance of it has always been a major challenge for the society. Everyone is able to see the reality of this cruel world but don’t want to accept it. The most cruel reality is the reality of ENTERTAINMENT world. This world is among most abused and the most accepted world. No one is untouched from this world. Great music, inventions, fascination glamour, movies and provided entertainment has always attracted a huge audience. But the reality is not only this what we all see.
Don’t go much far. We all recently witnessed a case of famous actress and BIG BOSS season-7’s winner- Gauhar Khan. She was slapped during the shooting of a reality show by one of the audience. Reason of this nuisance was her short dress. In the same way the very recent case was about an actress who recently gave a big hit. I would not like to release the name. But news is that she was raped by the authorities of a big film direction banner.
So, above realities are hard for normal societies. Here men and women both are harassed. They have to face the realities for getting fame. There are some who cross these hurdles and get their own identity and some bear all this quietly, and then comes into fame light. And even some situation are so bad where they are discriminated and still gets nothing. And all this process is not only at initial level. Even when you are in this limelight, to continue this you have to compromise for much better than the present.
It is not so that we all do not know this reality. We often come to know that very famous actor ****** discriminated a girl for her entry in the Entertainment Industry.
So, all this happens only because there is no one to stop this. Corruption is spread all over. If you have to achieve something high you have to lose something personal. But here in this industry you have to lose your character, your self- respect and ego. Some are able to stand even after all this and some get emotional breakdown which later on result into uneven death.  So, think about this and say how much you are able to accept this bitter reality.

Success Mantra

Don’t get impatient,
Be patient,
To hug the attention of success;
when the opportunity meets,
Your ambition is success;In reaching to the destination,
You are the trail-blazer
of your living destiny,
which cannot be reached in a
single stride;success is accomplished,
when the opportunity
And the proportional zeal
for exploiting the opportunity
is attended,
with all happiness and pleasure.

Danger Zone for Men

Till now we are only known to the dangerous zones for the girls. There is no doubt that girls are now a step ahead from boys. But still they are in fear of their security from the boys.

They have to face continuous discrimination and fear from the every part of the society. But now it seems world is changing very fast. Recent case of two sisters from Haryana changed the perspective of the society. They just blame men or boys against teasing and capture videos of them just to blackmail them. SO, that they can earn money from this. In this way those are captured who don’t even think of doing so.
I think its not the first case. Many married men also face the same when their wives just file fake cases against them for any reason. So, it seems that now men have to be also on high alert.
But the darker side of this fact is that, men or boys who are not culprit when found guilty take unwanted and sometimes criminal steps to overcome this. So, it has to be very carefully checked. Any blame whether on girl or boy should be firstly carefully verified and checked by the higher authorities, after that any action should be taken for them.

It is totally true that if a girl blames a man then 90% she is supported by everyone. But in this situation men should not be neglected. Complete verification is also necessary. Because there are few boys who respect girls and few girls who take such steps. And just because of these few people society is not able to see correct and right face of any gender.
So, this DANGER ZONE FOR MEN can disturb their life. SO, just a warning follow right path and beware of the societies; hidden truth


Success and Failure are two colours of LIFE. Everybody wants success but it doesn’t mean that failure plays no positive role in our life.
Success provides a person everything like prosperity , happiness, name and fame, and allow them to enjoy their life to the fullest. On the contrary, failure makes a person sad, dull and depressed. Due to this reason, failure is unwelcomed. But it can’t be said that failure is valueless.
Actually failure play more important role in building of one’s personality in comparison to success. It compels a person to maintain his confidence and to do re- effrt and by this way failure makes a person experienced and strong. Putting a person in stress, failure extends his mental capacity. If we look in life of any great person we must find series of failure or difficulties there. In other words, failure gives opportunity to rethink and to make re- effort to become great.

To take benefit of failure one must be positive in re- examin the lack of effort. Otherwise negativeness of failure can easily ruin ones life. That is, failure is a sword having two edges. If it is used positively it can cut roots of unsucess, unhappiness and sadness. If it is not used so naturally it cuts roots of future and life.

Therefore, always see failure positively as an opportunity to make happy and prosperous future. So, just remember one thing:

आसमान में घटाएं चाहे घिरे जितनी
पर होगी नहीं रात, सूरज जो कहीं हो

Failure- Part of Success

Success stories are not born simply. For achieving success one has to double his failure rate. But at this point we all fail. We get depressed by failue and stop working for success because we forget that FAILURE- is not an end but is the PART OF SUCCESS.

Success stories are not merely a fairy tale for the rfailures. everyone can suceed if they accept the failure. They have to understand that their current rate of hard work was less than the demanded rate for success. And by taking it positively they have to move further for success.

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